Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Thirty Something Body

I remember growing up, my mother always use to say, "Enjoy the way you look now because when you turn 30 your body will start the middle age change." As like all teenagers, I thought "Whatever, that woman doesn't know what she is talking about." By the age of 28, I thought maybe I could beat the system (so to speak). I was convinced that a women's body would change only to those who had children. So, I swore off from having kids....At 30 I actually believed I won the fight to keep my youthful figure I have always known.....So, I continued to have my candy bar or brownie or M&Ms (you get the picture) once a day or every other day. Life was good!

However - nature apparently was running about a year behind schedule. It's finally hit - I have the "Thirty Something Body"!!! Dimples are appearing and things do not appear to be placed correctly anymore (meaning a little drop has occurred). OMG!!! I cannot make this stuff go away!! No matter, how much I go to the gym or how much I run it just doesn't help. I do not eat as many sweets anymore, but now when I think about them another dimple appears or my pants seem to get a little tighter. It is so frustrating....Today I was feeling defeated, so like any sane person, I went and got a pizza for supper followed it with a handful of M&M's.

So - for those of you that think you can beat nature, I'm here to tell you - there is no way that it is possible. Your day will come eventually. ....wwwwwhahahahahaha

Enjoy your youthfulness----I'm heading off to do some yoga.


  1. haha. Beth, I've heard that you like to run so I'm sure your body is still hangin' in there. lol I enjoyed reading!

  2. Hmmm...I already have some extra dimples and I'm only 24. Count yourself blessed:) I guess this baby will only add a few maybe some stretch marks (please no):)

  3. Sigh. You could still run circles around this old gal. Two kids PLUS being 32 have wrecked my body!
